once upon a time 很久很久以前。。。
Example: Once upon a time, there were a man named Adam and a woman named Eva. They kind of tasted the forbidden fruit developped in Eden. Therefore, several thousands of years later, you were given birth, and I was born. What a amazing story?
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Thanksgiving 感恩節
感恩節是美國人的大節日,是11月的第四個禮拜四,就和我們的冬至很像,要吃湯圓,也要一家人團圓,只不過他們是吃火雞還有地瓜泥派(sweet potatos)。在2007年的感恩節,我很有榮幸地參加了我在美國的美語老師Kathy家的傳統感恩節,所以也很好運地吃到了道地的感恩節食物,such as turkey with stuffings, sweet potatos, hams, and so many。而Kathy也真正地讓我感受到感恩的感覺,我到現在都還是很想念她,so does Nicole。雖然回台灣也一年多了,但還是非常想念整個2006~2008年在美國過得每一天。I miss the days when we lived in the United States。
Example: Thanksgiving is the day for grateful, thankful, and stomach full !!!
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core competence 核心能力
你有仔細想過你的核心能力是什麼嗎?每個人都有其獨特的能力,其實應該從小就要好好去研究並尋找出來,未來不論是在職場以及人生上面,都會受用無窮,且有目標可以追尋,成功的機會就會比其他人來得大,而且開心的程度也會比較高。我的核心能力是teaching & mentoring,what's yours?
Example: Everyone has his/her own core competences. My core competences are teaching and mentoring, and what is yours?
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Avatar, incarnation 化身
reincarnation 輪迴轉世
最近James Camron大導,又準備上映一部鉅片AVATAR(中文翻做阿凡達,可以了解片名翻譯的詞窮,因為這個英文字的確很特別)。Avatar是印度神話(Hindu Mythology)中,神明到凡間的化身的意思(可以是人形也可以是任何形體)the descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form。所以就順道提了incarnation這個字,其實和avatar一樣是化身的意思,神的化身 the incarnation of a god。
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state-of-the-art 最先進的,最尖端的
state除了州的意思之外(the state of North Carolina of the United States,美國北卡羅萊納州),也是某種狀態的意思(the physical state,身體的狀態),因此這個形容詞片語的記法,可以想像成是一種藝術的狀態,一般人在思想上還追趕不上,所以成為最先進最尖端的事情了,記住了嗎?
Exmaple: I'd love to have a state-of-the-art living style. Maybe I could be the first one to live in Mars.
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