mood-swing 搖擺不定的心情(較嚴重)
Example: Your mood swings are giving me a whiplash.
mood-swing 搖擺不定的心情(較嚴重)
Example: Your mood swings are giving me a whiplash.
live off s.b. 依靠某人過活
chip in 一起出錢
Example: Chipping in to take a taxi will be way too cheaper than we all taking a bus.
Avatar, incarnation 化身
reincarnation 輪迴轉世
最近James Camron大導,又準備上映一部鉅片AVATAR(中文翻做阿凡達,可以了解片名翻譯的詞窮,因為這個英文字的確很特別)。Avatar是印度神話(Hindu Mythology)中,神明到凡間的化身的意思(可以是人形也可以是任何形體)the descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form。所以就順道提了incarnation這個字,其實和avatar一樣是化身的意思,神的化身 the incarnation of a god。
stand in the way 擋在路中間、阻礙
今天也是看影集學美語的部份。在後段的六人行(Friends)裡面,時常會出現"stand in the way"這句話,這可不是單純說明站在路中間而已,字面後的意涵是指,有某方面的想法和做法,是讓其它事情不能順利進行的。
Example: My old-fasion thoughts shouldn't stand in your way. You must go for your dream and follow your heart.
make it up to someone 補償某人
Example: I am so sorry to let you miss the movie. How am I supposed to make it up to you? I guess here it is, let me buy you a cup of the best coffee in the most famous coffee house in town.