"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."    --Sherlock Holmes--

"當消除了所有的不可能,剩餘的儘管有多麼不實在,必也是事實。"    --福爾摩斯--


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Happy New Tiger Year    新年快樂!

My new wishes:

1. To have much healthier life with my wife

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be all ears    全神貫注


Example: Whenever your boss speaks about the assignments, you are supposed to be all ears.

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Merry Christmas    聖誕快樂

Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh

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bow out of s.t.    退出

好像比較常聽到 get out of s.t.。今天學到了這個片語,但事實上,我也不知道美國人現在還常不常用這句就是了。

bow out.jpg 

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