目前分類:英語筆記 (40)

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once upon a time    很久很久以前。。。


Example: Once upon a time, there were a man named Adam and a woman named Eva. They kind of tasted the forbidden fruit developped in Eden. Therefore, several thousands of years later, you were given birth, and I was born. What a amazing story?

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 Thanksgiving    感恩節

感恩節是美國人的大節日,是11月的第四個禮拜四,就和我們的冬至很像,要吃湯圓,也要一家人團圓,只不過他們是吃火雞還有地瓜泥派(sweet potatos)。在2007年的感恩節,我很有榮幸地參加了我在美國的美語老師Kathy家的傳統感恩節,所以也很好運地吃到了道地的感恩節食物,such as turkey with stuffings, sweet potatos, hams, and so many。而Kathy也真正地讓我感受到感恩的感覺,我到現在都還是很想念她,so does Nicole。雖然回台灣也一年多了,但還是非常想念整個2006~2008年在美國過得每一天。I miss the days when we lived in the United States。

Example: Thanksgiving is the day for grateful, thankful, and stomach full !!!

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core competence    核心能力

你有仔細想過你的核心能力是什麼嗎?每個人都有其獨特的能力,其實應該從小就要好好去研究並尋找出來,未來不論是在職場以及人生上面,都會受用無窮,且有目標可以追尋,成功的機會就會比其他人來得大,而且開心的程度也會比較高。我的核心能力是teaching & mentoring,what's yours?

Example: Everyone has his/her own core competences. My core competences are teaching and mentoring, and what is yours?

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state-of-the-art    最先進的,最尖端的

state除了州的意思之外(the state of North Carolina of the United States,美國北卡羅萊納州),也是某種狀態的意思(the physical state,身體的狀態),因此這個形容詞片語的記法,可以想像成是一種藝術的狀態,一般人在思想上還追趕不上,所以成為最先進最尖端的事情了,記住了嗎?

Exmaple: I'd love to have a state-of-the-art living style. Maybe I could be the first one to live in Mars.

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stand s.b. up    放鴿子


Example: She stood me up at our first date, kind of sad.

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parent/folks/friends    父母/朋友


Example: You did a fantastic job on your career! I guess your folks must be very proud of you.

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rumor has it/ a little bird told me    謠言說的/我聽說的


Example: A: Rumor has it that Josh might not be their real son.

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Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.



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Internet hoax    網路謠言

在網路發達的21世紀裡,你可以透過它發表任何言論,這裡面當然包括世界未日。到底會不會有世界未日,其實誰又能說得準了?若真有那麼一天,誰該留下和誰該離開,只好交由機率和命運來決定。2012電影即將上映,網路上隨即開始流傳12/21/2012地球真的會被毀滅,對此NASA近日則出面澄清,這只是一個可笑的internet noax。

Example: NASA repelled the rumor that a wayward planet will collide with the earth on Dec. 21, 2012 and claimed it's a rediculous "internet noax".

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  • Nov 11 Wed 2009 22:37
  • Note 9

coping with a job you hate    笑臉迎接討人厭的工作

cope with: deal with, handle    處理、應付

Example: A man who can cope with a job he hates may also deal with difficult people well.

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  • Nov 11 Wed 2009 22:28
  • Note 8

one thing at a time    一次一個

Example: Please! One question at a time. My brain is gonna explode if you keep asking like this.


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  • Nov 10 Tue 2009 22:03
  • Note 7

pushover    容易受影響的人

Example: Rachel is a pushover; she never gets the restraunt she'd like to go.


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  • Nov 10 Tue 2009 21:21
  • Note 6

cut to the chase    進入主題

Example: Let's cut to the chase. Starting a whole new business is not an easy job to do. You must have workable plans, execution initiatives, passions, and the most important persistence.


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  • Nov 08 Sun 2009 15:26
  • Note 5

Stay-At-Home Economy    宅經濟

宅經濟是金融海嘯(financial tsunami)後,一重要新趨勢。人們開始從事大量的網路買賣,足不出戶即可做成生意,宅男腐女則成為這一波新趨勢最重要的市場客群。他們沉迷於網路世界,從事大量網路活動,並且各自專精於不同的網路領域,因而創造出前所未見的新經濟體系。一般人也因此由網路經濟受惠,如便宜便利的網路購買以及宅配系統、進步的虛擬金融及安全的付款機制,宅經濟的確早已深入20世紀人們的生活,而將來也會對整個世界的經濟體發揮更大的"宅"作用。

Example: As virtual-era bankers, we should put more efforts on investigation and innovation for the Stay-At-Home Economy.

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  • Nov 06 Fri 2009 22:03
  • Note 4

Do you have the time?


A: Miss. Do you have the time?

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  • Nov 06 Fri 2009 21:42
  • Note 3

centerpiece     放在桌中央用來裝點的裝飾

Example: The centerpieces used for their wedding looked gorgeous.


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  • Nov 05 Thu 2009 22:24
  • Note 2

saliva    唾液

in control of    控制之下

Example: In our wedding ceremony, we will need a pastor who's in control of the saliva. I don't want to be spit a lot on my face while the pastor is marring us.

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  • Nov 03 Tue 2009 23:45
  • Note 1

care so much to lie/make things up

This sentens describes one who really cares about something worth to lie or to make up a fake story.

Example: Fine, I'll jump in the project if you care so much to make such fantasy up.

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This was what I occasionally listened while I was doing my papers.
The lyrics were so touched that I wanted to share here.
Please accept my apology that I don't have enough time to sharpen the interpretation in Chinese.

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